On Tuesday 11 October, Sommeliers Australia held its 2022 AGM online. During the meeting, those members in attendance elected a new National Executive Committee to govern Sommeliers Australia for the 2022/2023 period.

Elected to manage Sommeliers Australia for the coming year were:
Sarah Andrew (VIC)
Wiremu Andrews (VIC)
Louella Mathews (NSW)
David Murphy (NSW)
Liam O’Brien (VIC)
Bridget Raffal (NSW)

Sadly, after many years of volunteering on both State and National Executive Committees, the association farewells Chris Crawford (VIC), Ben Moechtar (NSW) and Greg Richardson (NSW). Heartfelt thanks go to Chris, Ben and Greg for the countless hours they have committed to Sommeliers Australia over the years, and in supporting the education of the next generation.

The 2022/2023 Office Bearing roles of President, Vice-President and Treasurer were appointed during the first meeting of the new NEC on 18 October.

The NEC is delighted to announce that Sarah Andrew has been re-appointed as President, and will continue to drive the association forward with the support of Bridget Raffal, in the role of Vice-President, and Louella Mathews as Treasurer.

While this year’s NEC is smaller than in previous years, with their collective experience in the industry and enthusiasm for the sommelier profession and education of wine professionals, the group is already looking to the future and planning for the 2023 calendar year and beyond!