Meira Harel
I am:
Sommelier, wine consultant and Co-Founder of GROW Assembly.
I joined the Diversity & Inclusion Working Group to:
Turn words into action. Our community is in desperate need of a change and a positive move towards a better future in terms of gender equality, accepting others and supporting young professionals grow in a healthy environment.
My personal mission statement is:
My values are to always have an open mind, always listen and always share equal respect for others along your way. Those values can be translated to any industry and have definitely been a guideline for me. I truly believe that by taking these simple steps we can make a change.
In the D&I space, I want to champion:
I’d like to champion the idea that there’s a place for women in our industry who choose to have a family, and keep on striving and fulfilling their professional career without having to compromise on family life or their work.
My role model is:
There are quite a few people that inspire me and that have taught me a lot over the years, to mention just one is quite a hard task! One of my best friends, and a person who pushed and keeps pushing me to be the best I can be, has been Stacey Lee Edwards. An incredible sommelier, a true leader, probably one of the strongest people I know and a beautiful mum! @staceyonlees
The perfect meal would be:
I think that after the year we’ve all had there’s a greater appreciation for the simple things, that are usually so obvious, but now might be hard to get. So, I have to say that any meal shared with good friends and family is the perfect meal to me.



Image with thanks to Adam Hobbs.